

2020 A Scoping Review on Air Quality Monitoring, Policy and Health in West African Cities, International Journal of Environment and Public Health Celia Mir Álvarez, Renaud Hourcade, Bertrand Lefebvre, Eva Pilot,


2023 Du statut de déchet à celui de véhicule d’occasion : la construction du marché automobile au Ghana, CERMES3, Paris (FR), Oct 18, Jessica Pourraz

2023 Du Japon à Nairobi, remonter les filières des véhicules d'occasion au Kenya, CERMES3, Paris (FR), Oct 18, Bérénice Bon

2023 Governing Air Quality in Indian Cities: Perspectives from Hyderabad and Pune, SustainAsia Conference, Tokyo (JP), Oct 10-11, Bertrand Lefebvre, Victoria Härtling, Madhura Joglekar, Laura  Löffelmann, Eva Pilot, Vera Verheijen [link]

2023 Governing Air Quality in Indian Cities: Perspectives from Hyderabad and Pune, IFP Colloquium Conference, Pondicherry (IN), Sept 25, Bertrand Lefebvre, Victoria Härtling, Madhura Joglekar, Laura Löffelmann, Eva Pilot, Vera Verheijen

2023 Jusqu’où peuvent circuler les données des micro-capteurs de pollution de l’air? Une comparaison transnationale France-Ghana, Congrès de l’Association française de sociologie, Lyon (FR), Jul 4-7, Garrocq Jean-Baptiste, Pourraz Jessica [link]

2023 Calibrating the Global: local scientists in air quality knowledge production in Ghana, ECAS 2023 African Futures, Cologne, May 31- June 3, Pourraz Jessica, Hugues Allison Felix [link]

2023 L’économie politique de l’importation de véhicules d’occasion au Sénégal : normes réglementaires et savoir-faire de contournement, Séminaire Economie politique des capitalismes, Bordeaux (FR), May 26, Renaud Hourcade, Khadim Mbow [link]

2023 Informalités douanières. L’agencement de savoir-faire marchands, mécaniques et (para)administratifs dans l’importation des véhicules d’occasion au Sénégal, Journée d'Etude Seconde-main, contrefaçon, déchet, Lyon (FR), May 05, Renaud Hourcade, Khadim Mbow [link]

2022 Knowledge Around Air Pollution In India And Ghana: State Denial And The Search For National Science, 4S/ESOCITE, Cholula (MX), Dec 7-10, Jessica Pourraz [link]

2022 Les filières d’importation des véhicules d’occasion au Sénégal : enserrement réglementaire et savoir-faire de contournement, Journée d'Etudes Filières, Centre d'Etudes Norbert Elias, Marseille (FR), Nov 30, Renaud Hourcade, Khadim Mbow [link]

2022 Vehicle Fleets and Air Pollution: Health, Social and Political Challenges of Car Market Regulation in Africa, 1st Conference of African Society for Air Quality, Online, Oct 11-14, Renaud Hourcade [link]

2022 Production and circulation of local knowledge about air pollution and effects on health in Accra (Ghana),1st Conference of African Society for Air Quality, Online, Oct 11-14, Jessica Pourraz [link]

2022 20 years of air quality policy in Morocco, 1st Conference of African Society for Air Quality, Online, Oct 11-14, Celia Mir Álvarez, Soraya Boudia, Bertrand Lefebvre [link]

2022 Production et circulation des savoirs scientifiques sur les sources de pollution de l’air à Accra et Delhi, SciencesPo Medialab, Paris (FR), Oct 4, Jessica Pourraz [link]

2022 From data to policy? Tracing air quality and health data in Morocco, International Society of Exposure Science Annual Meeting, Lisbon (PT), Sept 25-29, Celia Mir Álvarez, Soraya Boudia, Bertrand Lefebvre [link]

2022 Rendre (in)visibles les effets de la pollution de l’air sur la santé à Accra et Delhi: la difficile construction d’un problème de santé environnementale au Sud, Congrès de l’AFSP, Lille (FR), Jul 5-7, Jessica Pourraz [link]

2022 Production et circulation de savoirs locaux autour des effets de la pollution de l’air sur la santé à Accra au Ghana, 7ème Rencontre des Etudes Africaines en France, Toulouse (FR), Jun 28-Jul 1, Jessica Pourraz [link]

2022 Les politiques de santé autour de la pollution de l’air au Sud (Inde-Ghana) : production et circulation des savoirs scientifiques et médicaux, entre déni étatique et marchandisation, Seminaire CEPED, Apr 21, Paris (FR), Jessica Pourraz [link]

Conference Panels

2023 Governing Air Quality in Asia,  SustainAsia Conference, Tokyo (JP), Oct 10-11, Olivier Evrard, Bertrand Lefebvre [link]


2023 Victoria Härtling, Critical Analysis of Policies Tackling Air Pollution as a Severe Public Health Threat in the Case of India – A scoping review, M.Sc Government and Leadership in European Public Health, Maastricht University

2023 Laura Löffelmann, Air emergency: the impact of air pollution on human health. A scoping review on Hyderabad – India, B.Sc European Public Health, Maastricht University

2022 Shaida Alarcón, A Scoping Review - Air Pollution in India: Air Quality Monitoring and Epidemiological Surveillance, Master of Public Health, EHESP School of Public Health

2022 Isabelle von Polenz, The right to breathe healthy air: a scoping review on the role of court rulings against air pollution with a focus on the Indian judicial system, M.Sc Global Health, Maastricht University


Global Health Symposium, India, 2023 April 15-29

Manipal University

The Global Health Symposium gathered over three weeks 350 students from six international master programs in global health. B. Lefebvre gave a keynote lecture on The governance of air quality in Indian cities: Do inequalities of exposure matter? 

Winter School of Social Sciences Pondicherry, India, 2022 Nov 28-Dec 02

French Institute of Pondicherry, University of Pondicherry

In the frame of this doctoral training program, B. Lefebvre co-organized a workshop on Spatial and Environmental Inequalities in Indian cities. 15 Indian PhD candidates have been introduced over five days to concepts, methodologies and tools useful to assess environmental exposure in cities. Students have used GIS tools coupled with low-cost air quality sensors and questionnaires to monitor the exposure to PM2.5 in a fishing community near Pondicherry.